- About QR Snap -

Excelent products are the core mission of QR Snap.
Whether it be hang tags, vinyl media, notifications, user interface, etc..
QR Snap goes 100% to ensure an absolutely flawless experience for both customers and staff.

We are a tech company focused on delivering the best experience to customers while at the same time empowering a sales team’s abilities through superior products. This is done though quick response codes or QR codes for short. These square pictograms are scannable by the default camera app on all modern phones (Apple, Samsung, Android, etc…) and link to a dealerships website all while notifying staff of customer scans and/or interactions. Some additional integrations QR Snap provides are Google Analytics Tags to retarget though AdWords. Facebook Pixels are supported as well to retarget customers that have visited an establishment though Facebook Ads.

There’s an old maxim that states,“No fun for the writer, no fun for the reader.”No matter what industry you’re working in, as a blogger, you should live and die by this statement.

Before you do any of the following steps, be sure to pick a topic that actually interests you. Nothing – andI mean NOTHING– will kill a blog post more effectively than a lack of enthusiasm from the writer. You can tell when a writer is bored by their subject, and it’s so cringe-worthy it’s a little embarrassing.

I can hear your objections already. “But Dan, I have to blog for a cardboard box manufacturing company.” I feel your pain, I really do. During the course of my career, I’ve written content for dozens of clients in some less-than-thrilling industries (such as financial regulatory compliance and corporate housing), but the hallmark of a professional blogger is the ability to write well about any topic, no matter how dry it may be. Blogging is a lot easier, however, if you can muster at least a little enthusiasm for the topic at hand.

Quick Reports
When you care about your topic, you’ll write about it in a
more powerful, emotionally expressive way
Marcus Levy,KeenThemes CEO


Our goal is to provide a complete and robust theme solution
to boost all of our customer’s project deployments
Metronic Admin - How To Started the Dashboard Tutorial
We’ve been focused on making a the from also not been afraid to and step away been focused create eye
Jane Milleron Mar 21 2021
Metronic Admin - How To Started the Dashboard Tutorial
We’ve been focused on making the from v4 to v5 but we have also not been afraid to step away been focused
Cris Morganon Apr 14 2021
Metronic Admin - How To Started the Dashboard Tutorial
We’ve been focused on making the from v4 to v5 but we’ve also not been afraid to step away been focused
Carles Nilsonon May 14 2021

Our Great Team

It’s no doubt that when a development takes longer to complete, additional costs to
integrate and test each extra feature creeps up and haunts most of us.
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